deutsche Version
photoshop plugins
The Parameter distortion determines the kind of image distortions.
Positive values means barrel distortion, negative a pillow dostortion.
A value of 0 means no distortion at all, of course.
If the appropriate link button link is activated the distortion is the same
for both directions, horizontal and vertical. If the link-button is deactivated,
the distortion for both directions can be adjusted independently.
The center of all distortions is the optical center marked by the crosslines.
When indicated the scaling of the images has to be adapted. Because barrel
distortion reduces the image size and pillow distortion enlarges it.
In my opinion it was not sensful to make those scalings automatically because there
is no general compensation. It can be different from image to image and
your imagination. Esspecially if both directions have different distortion.
originales Bild
distortion = 25 (Tonnenverzerrung)
distortion = -25 (Kissenverzerrung)
distortion vertical = 25
distortion horicontal = -25
Chromatic Aberration
With this parameter you can adjust the amount of chromatic aberration. The
results are slightly colored borders upt o psychedelic color effect.
If the value is greater 0 the distortion effect will be applied more on red wavelength,
if the value is negative the other way round. Here are blue wavelength
distorted more. On a valöue of 0 ther is no chromatic aberration.
Because the distortion effect increases by the distance to the optical center the
chromatic aberration increases, too.
chromatic aberration = 0
chromatic aberration = -25
chromatic aberration = 25
chromatic aberration = 80
Linear Spectral Shift
I wanted to add colored effect even without having to distort the image.
This is the linear realisation of it. The image will be simply shifted
depending on the wavelength.
Effect like a prisma can be archived that way.
A postive value means red will be shifted to the right. Negative value to the left.
It makes no sense here to "link" horizontal and vertical parameter, except you want a
45° diagonal effect.
linear spectral shift horicontal = +10
linear spectral shift horicontal = -10
linear spectral shift vertical = -10
linear spectral shift vertical = -10
linear spectral shift horicontal = -10
Radial Spectral Shift
With this control you can add the typical colored boarders of a chromatic abberation
without any distortion.
Like the normal chromatic abberation (see above) the effect increases by the distance
to the optical center.
radial spectral shift = 0
radial spectral shift = -25
radial spectral shift = +25
radial spectral shift vertical = 0
radial spectral shift horicontal = +25
Image Scale
The image can be additionally scaled horizontally and vertically because the
optical effects changes the image size.
image scale = 0
image scale = 0.5
image scale = 2
image scale vertical = 0.5
image scale horicontal = 2
Center Of Distorsion
This is the optical centre of the radial effects. It's maked by a haircross.
It can be adjusted by the two sliders or with a mouse click. The optical centre can be outside
of the picture area.
center coordinates x = 0, y = 0
center coordinates x = +11, y = -4
center coordinates x = -50, y = -30
center coordinates x = 75, y = 0
Spectral Resolution
The image is not calculated with RGB values, but with discretes spectral values.
This parameter choosed the number of discretes values, the number of wavelengths.
89, the default, is a good standard to start with. 89 is historical because the first
colormathing functions I found had this resolution.
A value of 7 till 10 gives a good imagination how the effect will look like with less
calculation time. It's good for preview, though. The maximum of 200 makes the colorshadings
smoother especially for larger distortions.
As a rule of thump choose the resolution according to the maximum of distortion in pixel.
This parameter has no effect on the preview. For this use Resolution Preview.
spectral resolution = 5
spectral resolution = 10
spectral resolution = 20
spectral resolution = 40
Resolution Preview
This parameter is the same like Spectral Resolution. But now fpr the preview inside the dialog.
A default salue of 11 seems to be a good compromise between calculation time and quality of preview.
In the middle of the dialog is a spectrum to see. With the two sliders the spectrum and therefor
the number of discrete wavelength can be clipped. Of course you can type it in the texfield as well.
The unit is nm.
This is usefult to achive color effects like those of color filters or to improve the calculation time
since the extrem red or violett do not add that much of visible "light" but cost the same of time for calculation.
spectrum upper = 780
spectrum lower = 380
spectrum upper = 660
spectrum lower = 380
spectrum upper = 660
spectrum lower = 500
spectrum upper = 660
spectrum lower = 580